
Fastening the Tsuru

1. The Tsukagawa is the leather cover of the Shinai handle, the Tsuka.


Kendo Shinai fastening the tsuru 1

2. The Tsuru is pulled through the Tsukagawa's leather strap and guided upwards.


Kendo Shinai fastening the tsuru 2


3.Now the Tsuru is pulled through the leather strap and then once again guided downwards.


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4.The Tsuru is guided below the leather strap and is pulled tightly around the Tsuru.


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5.To retain the tension, the Tsuru should be temporarily fastened to the handle leather with your thumb.


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6.To fasten the Tsuru, the leather straps are now to be tightly wound several times around the Tsukagawa with the Tsuru.


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7.Tip: If the Tsuru is too long and overlapping, then the excess piece should be cut off.


Kendo Shinai fastening the tsuru 9



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