This shinai is designed for nito fighting. It comes with a round grip. It has a length of 63 cm and a weight of approx. 300 g. The grip is approx. 14,5 cm long.
This shinai is designed for nito fighting. It has a length of 63 cm and a weight of approx. 290g.
This high quality Shinai is manufactured by combining the qualities of a Shinai with oval grip and a Shinai with thick grip, balancing this way their weak points.
This shinai has an oval handle. This promotes proper hand position at impact. The Shinai is relatively light and allows rapid swordplay. Size: 39, 38, 37
This Shinai is ideal for Nito, fighting with a short-and long sword. Due to the slight Dobari form the focus between the center and handle. Extra thick handle
This grip facilitates the right hand position, especially while hitting.
Set consisting of a Shinai Nito 37 and a Shoto both with roundgrip.
This set consists of a shinai for Nitokämpfer in size 37 and a Shoto, both with oval handle. The oval handle, reduces the rotation of the shinai turning unnoticed in the hand during the fight.