The best choice for beginners. The centre of gravity of this Shinai is positioned at the level of the Kensen, making it ideal for greater fighting techniques. It is ideal for early fighting hours and first competitions. Very strong and carefully crafted, the bamboo is of A quality and its handle is leather.
The shinai is fully assembled and comes with tsuba and Tsubadome. You may need to adjust the tsuba yourself.
Available Sizes (see graphic):
Size 39 (120 cm): Handle A : approx. 25-27 mm, B : approx. 28-30 mm, Weight approx. 520 g
Size 38 (117 cm): Handle A : approx. 24-26 mm, B : approx. 29-31 mm, Weight approx. 490 g
Size 37 (112 cm): Weight approx. 450 g.
Steinbücheler Weg 80
51061 Köln